Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Pure Chaos

Meetings upon Meetings. Plotting a Union overthrow. Working and babysitting. Real-life has attacked my little bloggin world.

These are the things I can promise. I will have BAP scores for every single baseball playoff game, from now until the end of time. I will also continue to write about college football every Friday through Sunday. After that, who knows? Time is the enemy. Maybe there will be plenty of entries, but shorter ones. I do know that Wednesday and Thursday look bleak this week. I have the the kid Thursday night, and I have to buy another suit for the high holidays sometime soon, probably tomorrow.

The Bruce In Fenway concert for me was somewhat disappointing. Oh, Bruce sounded great and all, but Fenway sucked. We were inside the park for forty minutes before we could see the field, and we never did make it to our seats. All of the beer lines were long, and it was $6.50 a cup. The E Street Band were just little dots on stage, and the large video screens showed the concert in almost a TV mode, with lots of quick cuts, and no shots from far enough back to see the whole band at once. Also, Bruce fans are just about the biggest group of dorks you'll ever see at a concert, a bunch of middle-management types who didn't get out while they were young, still thinking that they were Born to Run. And it's not Bruce's fault. He bashed Dick Cheney, and plugged Al Franken's book, to polite applause. Bruce did play Because the Night and Dirty Water, two pleasant surprises, but not a lot of the older stuff, and the whole show had more of a grown-up pop kind of feel, rather than a rock concert. I'm sure the hard-core Bruce fans loved it, but it wasn't for me.

BAP scores from Tim at Musings From RSN

Sox win the first two, and drop the third.

Game 1
BOS 0.667 0.422 0.450
NYY 0.417 0.250 0.294

Game 2
BOS 0.762 0.349 0.579
NYY 0.294 0.265 0.172

Game 3
BOS 0.444 0.222 0.257
NYY 0.484 0.258 0.357

The Red Sox are now 2-5 to win the wildcard, too low for me to invest. The Wisconsin Badgers, who I got at 75-1, are now down to 40-1. I am offering my services to the Bush Administration right now. Give me 50 billion dollars, and I'll turn it into 87 by the end of October.

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