Sunday, August 03, 2003

A Whole Mess of Scores

I lied. I said I was taking the whole rest of the day off but I didn't, and I knew I wasn't going to. Oh, I went for a walk by the ocean, had a couple beers in a neighborhood tavern, watched the Sox win back some of the money I dropped on them the night before, but the rest of the day was spent figuring out BAP and OPS. Ever seen the movie "Pie"? Not pie as in blueberry, or apple, or mincemeat, but the math symbol? I don't know how to spell it. Anyway, I'm getting a little like that, walking along all the shore, muttering to myself about fielder's choice plays. It's all pretty scary.

So here's a whole mess of scores from Saturday. There were an awful lot of close games, and some losses on both sides. If you don't know why I suddenly started doing OPS, read the entry from earlier today.

Pittsburgh 1 Colorado 0
BAP - Pit .387, Col .242
OPS - Pit .418, Col .436
Score a win for BAP.

Cincinnati 5 San Francisco 4
BAP - Cin .526, SF .541
OPS - CIn .712, SF .784
Both lose.

St. Louis 10 Mets 9
BAP - Stl .744, NY .854
OPS - Stl .940, NY .926
A win for OPS. BAP loses on an amazing 10 EB 9th inning by the Mets.

Arizona 4 Cubs 3
BAP - Ari .559, Chi .615
OPS - Ari .859, Chi .649
A win for OPS.

Detroit 9 Minnesota 2
BAP - Det .744, Min .585
OPS - Det .922, MIn .771
Both win.

Texas 9 Cleveland 7
BAP - Tex .923, Cle .805
OPS - Tex 1.071, Cle .921
Both win.

Montreal 7 Milwaukee 1
BAP - Mon .784, Mil .273
OPS - Mon .775, Mil .515
Both win.

San Diego 6 Philadelphia 4
BAP - SD .697, Phi .459
OPS - SD .666, Phi .547
Both win.

Baltimore 11 Boston 2
BAP - Bal .884, Bos .417

For the Day: OPS 6-2, BAP 5-3


BAP 49-7-1
OPS 43-12


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